Spring Courses
Registration is open!
Rent the Space
Membership Rentals
The new studio is a 600 sq/ft shared workspace equipped with potter’s wheels, slab roller, canvas covered work tables, sculpture stands, ware racks and individual storage and lockers. Members may access the space between 9 am and 9 pm, 7 days per/wk*, on a first come first serve basis. Glazing, finishing and access to the fully equipped main studio area is through regularly scheduled Open Studio hours, shared with other ceramics classes and programs in the main studio. Open Studio access is included in the membership at no additional cost, with clay and firing fees charged at student rates. All members use studio clay bodies, fired in either cone six oxidation or cone ten reduction. You may access our well equipment main studio during scheduled Open Studio hours and have the support of our skilled staff firing regular bisque, cone ten reduction and cone six oxidation kilns to complete your work. The studio staff will handle all firings, as membership does not include individual access to kilns. The main studio features additional potter’s wheels, spray booth, slab roller, extruders, hand-building and glaze areas.
The cost for new members is $175 per/month, providing the member with over 300 hours* of studio access, plus scheduled Open Studio hours in the main studio area. Each member will also commit to monthly Member Studio clean up duties on a rotating basis (approximately two hours every other month). The Worcester Center for Crafts is conveniently located in Central Massachusetts, and has ample free parking.
Who Is A Member Artist?
They are committed students capable of working in ceramics independently, who desire a community, a shared studio with more access, and are willing to support the mission of the Worcester Center for Crafts. Studio access is not to be used for commercial pursuits or production pottery and we encourage all members to engage in our artistic community at large.
Rental is on a month-to-month basis and we ask that you set-up automatic payment via credit or debit card, with our Comptroller’s office. All members will adhere to the best practices outlined in Ceramics Studio Procedures and the Rental Agreement.
To apply, please see our application online or reach out to Tom O’Malley. 508-753-8183 x304 or tomalley1@worcester.edu. Applications may take one to three weeks to process.
*The Worcester Center for Crafts reserves the right to restrict access to the studio during regularly scheduled events, such as the Holiday Festival of Crafts, Pasta Dinner Fundraiser, on as needed basis. Renters will be briefed on access protocols and attend a short orientation.