Spring Courses
Registration is open!
A supportive environment
Become a Creative Maker
Say cheese! Come to the Worcester Center for Crafts and experience our photography classes. With an offering of both beginner and intermediate classes, we made sure everyone has a place in our workshops.
Did we pique your interest? Want just a little more information? In our wet-darkroom classes, you can expect to learn about old-school black and white film photography, how to load and operate a film camera, and what goes into developing film from start to finish!
Our digital photography classes take you from learning the mechanics and operation of your camera to digital workflow and image output, while learning the ins and outs of lighting and composition.
Browse some of our class listings below or visit our registration page and sign-up for a class now!

Introduction to Digital Photography
Learn the basic skills needed to get the most out of digital cameras in a friendly and nurturing environment. A perfect course for beginning students, as well as seasoned amateurs who would like to brush up on the basics.

Introduction to Darkroom Photography
Interested in old school black and white film photography? Learn to load and operate a film camera, develop the film into negatives and then turn them into beautiful black and white prints.

Intro to the Lighting Studio
This workshop will cover the proper use and care of the associated equipment, as well as three basic lighting scenarios for 2D and 3D artworks.
Give the Gift of Craft
To purchase class gift cards, visit or call our Handcrafted Store at 508-753-8183 ext. 305 to make your purchase. Gift cards are not available for sale online. Read our Policies.
traditional techniques
Darkroom Photography
Interested in old school black and white film photography? Well, this is the place to get involved with all aspects of this interesting process, from loading and operating a film camera, developing the film into negatives and then turning them into beautiful black and white prints.

independent learning
Lighting Studio
The Lighting Studio is a resource designed for rental by artists to document 2D and 3D artworks. Within the studio you will find the tools and equipment to stage, light and capture high quality images of artworks, both on film and digitally. The Introduction to the Lighting Studio Workshop is a pre-requisite to access the studio via independent rental.
Earn Credits
The Worcester Center for Crafts offers professional development points for all Worcester Center for Crafts Studio classes. These classes meet the requirements for content-based courses for re-licensure.
If you’re interested in filing for professional development points with the state of Massachusetts, please review your requirements stipulated by the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary (ESE) or your school district. Many of the Craft Center’s classes are eligible as professional development activities, and the Registration Office is happy to provide you with a record of enrollment and course completion certificate once confirmation is received from your instructor of your full course completion.
To initiate the PDP process, please inform the Registration Office via email at wccregistration@worcester.edu at the start of the session to indicate that you will require PDP documentation at the end of term. Then, at the end of your last class, please email the office once more to request your records, which will then be emailed or mailed to the student address on file.
Scholarships & Awards
We believe that everyone can benefit from taking craft classes. The Worcester Center for Crafts Adult Artist Award is presented to an individual that exemplifies an appreciation for the arts and an interest in our creative community. The recipient of this award will receive a scholarship to attend a course at Worcester Center for Crafts.
An email or phone call will inform you whether you qualify for the award. Decisions on placement generally occur less than a week before classes begin as we wait to see if there is sufficient enrollment for the class to run. Placement in the preferred class is not guaranteed. If you wish to secure a seat in a specific class, paid registration is advised.
Application Deadline: All application materials are due to the Craft Center two Fridays before the scheduled start of the session for which you are applying.
Spring Session 2024 :
Session I: Monday, April 8, 2024 – Sunday, May 19, 2024
Session II: Monday, May 20, 2024 – Sunday, June 30, 2024
Summer Session 2024 :
Monday, July 8, 2024- Sunday, August 18, 2024
Fall Session 2024:
Session I: Monday, September 9, 2024- Sunday, October 20, 2024
(**Week of November 25th – do not schedule any classes, prep for Holiday Festival)
Session II: Monday, October 21, 2024- Sunday, December 8, 2024
2024 Applications may be emailed to wccregistration@worcester.edu or mailed or dropped off to the Craft Center’s front office:
Worcester Center for Crafts
ATTN: Scholarship Committee
25 Sagamore Road
Worcester, MA 01605